
The First Cogenerator Installed In A Local Heating Station Provides Hot Water To 320 Households

Since early April 2009 the team of Energoconsult AD, Overgas subsidiary, has commissioned the first cogenerator for power and heating generation in a local heating station in the Ovcha Kupel neighbourhood in Sofia.

The cogenerator operates on natural gas, has a power capacity of 170 kW and already provides 320 households with hot water. Its capacity has been selected in accordance with the users’ specific needs which guarantees maximum efficiency of load all the year round. The facility is the product of one of the leading manufacturers of energy efficient equipment and the working project and installation have been implemented by prominent Bulgarian professionals.

Energoconsult AD is a company specializing in energy efficiency. It offers its customers design and construction of gas installations, ESCO services as well as innovative energy solutions.
