The Bulgarian gas centre carries out specialized training and qualification in the sphere of design, construction and operation of systems for gas supply, equipment and installations.
The Centre holds a termless licence for carrying out and certifying professional training with acquisition of a degree of professional qualification in the following professions and specialties:
I. Occupational line Electrical Technology and Energy, code 522
1. Occupation Technician of power equipment and installations, code 522030
1.1.Specialty Gas Technology, code 5220306, professional qualification degree - third
1.2.Specialty Renewable Energy Sources code 5220308, professional qualification degree third
1.3.Specialty Heat Technology code 5220309, professional qualification degree - third
2. Occupation Fitter of energy equipment and installations, code 522040
2.1.Specialty Gas technology, code 5220406, professional qualification degree - second
2.2. Specialty Heat technology, code 5220409, professional qualification degree - second
2.3. Specialty Renewable Energy Sources code 5220408, professional qualification degree - second
3. Occupation Stoker, code 522060
3.1. Specialty Stoking, code 5220601, professional qualification degree - first
II. Occupational line Mining, exploration and production of underground resources, code 544
1. Occupation Drilling technician, code 544030
1.1.Specialty Drilling technologies, code 5440301, professional qualification degree - third
1.2.Specialty Drilling technology, code 5440302, professional qualification degree - third
2. Occupation Driller , code 544040
2.1. Specialty Exploration drilling , code 5440401
III. Occupational line Accounting and taxation, code 344
1. Occupation Operative accountant, code 344030
1.1.Specialty Operative accounting, code 3440301, professional qualification degree - third
IV. Occupational line Administrative management, code 345
1. Occupation Economist, code 345120
1.1.Specialty Economics and management, code 3451204, professional qualification degree - third
The state-of-the-art facilities provide the trainees with the opportunity to acquire, test and improve their knowledge and skills in this sphere. The module-based training combines theoretical and practical expertise and is carried out by experienced lecturers and instructors. The trainees are issued a certificate on successful completion of the course.